All program participants must be registered online at All program participants must sign a waiver and comply with all rules and regulations set by the City of Oshawa and Matchpoint Tennis.
Tennis Aerobics, Group Lessons, Clinics, Team Practices, Singles Ladder
Ladies Day-time Interclub League (for players 3.5 and up)
House Leagues: Monday Ladies Doubles, Tuesday Men's Doubles, Wednesday Intermediate Mixed, Thursday Co-ed Daytime, Thursday Advanced Mixed
The group adult lessons are run in 6 sessions:
Winter Session 1: January - Februray
Winter/Spring Session 2: March - April
Spring Session 1: May - June
Summer Session 1: July -August (classes reduced due to vacation months)
Fall Session 1: September - October
Fall Session 2: November - December
The registration is open to anyone and is based on previous tennis experience.
To view all the details (cost and schedule) for Group Lessons, Leagues and Aerobics on the home page select "Online Registration" than "Tennis Programs" or click the following link: online registration
If you would like to register please select online registration and log in to your matchpointtennis account. If you are new to Matchpoint please create an account.
For Private Lessons rates, please go to the "TENNIS/INSTRUCTION" page.